Do you want to be able to conquer the job market after school? Then you are exactly the type of person we are looking for. With our education and study programs, you will be ideally trained both in theory and in practice. You will be perfectly prepared for your professional life.

Here you will find an overview with information about our apprenticeships and dual study programs, which will help you with your professional decision. Choose your location and take the first step into your professional future with us.

Description Region
Kunststoff- und Kautschuktechnologe*in Nischwitz , Germany
Kunststoff- und Kautschuktechnologe*in Singen , Germany
Verfahrensmechaniker*in Beschichtungstechnik Singen , Germany
Duales Studium BWL – International Business Singen , Germany
Industriekaufleute mit Zusatzqualifikation Internationale Wirtschaftsmanagement… Singen , Germany
Mechatroniker*in Nischwitz , Germany
Kauffrau/Kaufmann EFZ Sins , Switzerland
Logistiker/in EFZ Fachrichtung Lager Sins , Switzerland
Kunststofftechnolog/in EFZ Sins , Switzerland
Industriekaufleute Osnabrück , Germany
Industriekaufleute Nischwitz , Germany
Maschinen- und Anlagenführer*in Schwerpunkt Metall- und Kunststofftechnik Osnabrück , Germany
Praktikum bei 3A Composites Singen , Germany
Maschinen- und Anlagenführer*in Schwerpunkt Metall- und Kunststofftechnik Nischwitz , Germany

To unsolicited application